The Friends are a group of people united in their desire to see this Priory Church maintain its long tradition of Christian worship and extend the Church of God beyond its own boundary.
Friends come from the surrounding district, from most parts of the United Kingdom and from overseas. Some are regular worshippers at the Priory, many are not. We seek to support all aspects of worship and to enhance the Priory over and beyond the maintenance of the fabric and fittings which is the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council. In this activity we work closely with the Rector and with the Council.
The activities of the Friends extend into the secular field and regular social events are organised both at the Priory and elsewhere. These are well supported and provide opportunities for making new friendships and renewing those which may have become eroded by the passage of time. The Friends exist, therefore, as an organisation for all those who care for and about our heritage. Even if you cannot participate in some of our activities, your membership will strengthen and encourage the efforts which the Friends believe they should exert to support the Priory, its work and its worship.
President Jill Riley
Vice Presidents Jenny Laycock & MAX BARKER
chairman Richard Watson
Treasurer Adrian Hendley
Secretary Susan Barker
Membership Secretary Katherine Hague
Committee Members Keith Nightingale
Sally Ognall
Carolyn Smith
Amanda Wood
val middleton
ex-officio Revd. Nicholas Mercer
PCC Representative Rosemarie Fisher
Newsletter val middleton
L to R: Adrian Hendley (Treasurer), Richard Watson (Chairman), Jill Riley (President), Susan Barker (Secretary), Katherine Hague (Membership Secretary)